Your organization needs a business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) strategy that keep apps and data safe and available during planned and unplanned downtime, and recovers to normal working conditions as soon as possible.
Organizations need a BCDR strategy that determines how apps, workloads, and data stay running and available during planned and unplanned downtime, and recover to normal working conditions as soon as possible. Your BCDR strategy should keep business data safe and recoverable, and ensure that workloads remain continuously available when disaster occurs.
Disaster Recovery contributes to your BCDR strategy by orchestrating replication of Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware and physical servers. You replicate servers and VMs from your primary on-premises datacenter to the cloud. When outages occur in the primary site, you fail over to the secondary site to keep workloads accessible and available. You fail back to your primary location when it returns to normal operations.
Cloud disaster recovery is a service that allows you to backup and recovery of your servers or datacenters on a cloud-based platform. It includes storing and maintaining copies of records in a cloud computing environment as a security measure. Companies cannot afford to have a downtime as it cost them huge in revenues. So, there should be a plan for disaster recovery in every company. Businesses are using the public cloud to enable faster disaster recovery of their critical IT systems without incurring the infrastructure expense of a second physical site.
Use Disaster Recovery to automate the recovery of services when a site outage happens at the primary datacenter. Bring over applications in an orchestrated way to help restore service quickly, even for complex multi-tier workloads. Easily create disaster recovery plans in the cloud, where they are stored. The disaster recovery plans can be as simple or advanced as your business requirements.
Why deploy Disaster Recovery in the public cloud?
Simplify BCDR -
You can replicate, fail over and recover multiple workloads from a single location in the public cloud. Disaster recovery orchestrates replication and failover, without intercepting application data.
Provide Flexible replication -
You can replicate any workloads running on supported Hyper-V VMs, VMware VMs, and Windows/Linux physical servers.
Eliminate secondary datacenter -
You can replicate workloads to the public cloud, rather than to a secondary site. This eliminates the cost and complexity of maintaining a secondary datacenter. Replicated data is stored in the public cloud Storage, with the resilience that provides. When failover occurs, public cloud VMs are created with the replicated data.
Perform easy replication testing -
You can easily run test failovers to support disaster recovery drills, without affecting production environments.
Failover & recover -
You can run planned failovers for expected outages with zero-data loss, or unplanned failovers with minimal data loss (depending on replication frequency), for unexpected disasters. You can fail back to your primary site when it's available again.
What can you replicate to public cloud?
On-premise Vmware VMs
On-premise Hyper-V VMs
On-premise Windows/Linux Servers
Key factors need to be taken in to consideration for planning DR for your organization.
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) -
This value specifies how often data recovery points are created.
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) -
The latest recovery point to failover.
Orchestrate your disaster recovery plan today. Contact us to know more and get a plan ready for your disaster recovery and be secure all the time. Simple, automated protection and disaster recovery in the cloud.
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