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Jay Gosar

Why You Need Cloud Managed Service Provider?

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

Like all new things, the cloud was questioned when it was first introduced to the IT world as a new way to store, manage and process data. Over time however, the cloud has proved itself to be a solid platform and is now considered the norm in IT.

Enterprises that were among the first to migrate to the cloud had a competitive edge, since most other companies were still using traditional local data centres. But this new technology, although beneficial, means CIOs need to spend time and money learning how to properly select and implement the right cloud services for their company. This is especially true for startups, since setting a strong foundation for IT infrastructure will free up lots of time to grow the business.

Some will manage it themselves. Others will bring on a managed service provider (MSP) with specialized talents to help them navigate the complexities imposed by the quantum shift to a particular type of cloud environment. A third group will engage with a managed service provider focused on a broader mission: managing hybrid environments which include resources in data centres, private clouds and/or one or more public clouds. In order to make sure the cloud is being fully optimized, CIOs are turning to managed services providers who understand the cloud and make using it headache free. Here are the top reasons why MSPs are invaluable in providing solutions to cloud services.

1. Experience

By working with a managed service provider, you add specially trained cloud experts to your team who know which services are best (and most cost effective) for your company. MSPs optimize value by monitoring, maintaining, and managing cloud deployments on a 24/7/365 basis. This allows your company’s IT department to focus more on business needs.

2. Connection to the Cloud

MSPs provide the needed support where your cloud provider leaves off. Once a company migrates to the cloud, all of their services need to be monitored and managed constantly, services that cloud providers don’t offer. MSPs are the link between your company and the public cloud, making the process of working with a cloud provider painless.

3. Cost Optimization

Budgeting and tracking the costs of using cloud services means choosing the right services, at the right size and appropriate for your company. Cloud MSPs know public cloud better than your IT department, they will be more up-to-date on new cloud services being offered and better able to create a more cost effective model for running your servers. MSPs are a one stop shop that provide consulting to optimize costs and allow you to pay-as-you-go, so you don’t have to worry about your cloud expenditures.

4. Customized Reports

MSPs will cater to your needs with customized reports on billing, usage, logs and more. They will take the time to tag everything that a client uses and then generate a report for the accounting or IT department to use for research or budgeting.

5. Faster Deployment

Migration to the cloud and future deployments will be faster when utilizing the help of a Cloud MSP because of their experience in public cloud architecture. MSPs are experts in migration and can reliably predict what parts of the migration will go smoothly and have a plan set in place that prioritizes tasks for the fastest deployment possible.

6. Tested Disaster Recovery Plan

Cloud MSPs are able to customize a Disaster Recovery Plan that fits their client’s objectives. They are also able to test that DR Plan on a regular basis just to make sure everything goes as expected.

7. Industry Focused

AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and other public cloud services are non-industry focused, but do provide compliance with different compliance requirements like HIPAA etc. There are many benefits of using a Cloud MSP that is industry focused (example: Healthcare, Entertainment, or Education Industries). They are able to answer industry-specific concerns about cloud services and ensure that compliance is being followed.

8. Hybrid Deployments

Hybrid deployments can be extremely complicated to build and maintain. An MSP helps to manage these environments to integrate multiple platforms and make their hybrid approaches look like a seamless IT environment.


When cloud was bursting on the scene, MSPs quickly tried to align with users’ needs – providing services focused on a particular cloud or a particular type of implementation. That is not enough anymore. Cloud environments are becoming more complex, and data centers still play a role. MSPs need to offer the right mix of services to meet users’ expectations, now and in the future, in a fully hybrid cloud model.

The knowledge and expertise that Cloud MSPs are able to bring to the table is invaluable to any company. But choosing the right one can be a challenge. It is crucial that your provider increases your company’s work efficiency, but also remains flexible to your unique needs.

Regardless of which MSP solution is best for your organization, it needs to provide an integrated story and get you where you need to go by offering a targeted blend of advisory and professional services.

Thank You!


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