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  • Jay Gosar

What is DMARC and Why does it matter ?

Updated: Feb 7

Email Security

DMARC is a security practice in the world of email that allows people to determine which messages are from legitimate sources such as businesses, and which are from fraudsters seeking to take advantage of them.

Full-form of DMARC is Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance. DMARC is used by organizations in a number of industries for a variety of purposes but the main goal is to defend against spam and reduce cybercrime.

The definition of DMARC is not entirely new. Instead, it employs DKIM and/or SPF to conduct a more detailed review of each email received. DMARC is a method of evaluating whether or not an email is authentic. Companies may use this standard to publish policies or regulations within their email system, causing messages that do not follow particular criteria to be discarded.

The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is a process that allows you to accept messages sent on your behalf. Each email contains a communication between the recipient’s DNS server and the sender’s DNS server. By introducing an SPF, your DNS will only be able to send messages from IP addresses that have been authorized (essentially, devices). Emails from other IP addresses are blocked, so no one in another country can send messages on your behalf.

DKIM, on the other hand, is relatively straightforward to describe but substantially more difficult to implement than SPF. Each email will be marked with an invisible stamp that works similarly to a signature on a letter. This information is stored in the header and decrypted by the recipient’s server, which enables it to authorize the sender based on what it knows about them.

DKIM is a little difficult to set up. It requires the development of a public key (the system that enables a mail server to decrypt your signature) as well as a private key (which encrypts it, therefore hiding it from others).

Now you know What is DMARC. Let's understand Why does it matter ?

Email Spoofing:
There are several types of fraud, and email is arguably one of the worst-affected fields. A simple glance through your junk mail can reveal how many people are trying to cheat you for financial benefit. DMARC is used to check the company’s own identity, stopping actual consumers from communicating with people posing as you.

Damage to Brand's Reputation:
If one of your customers gives money or information to an imposter then, their will always be a negative experience/thought against your company. DMARC is an extra security mechanism intended to keep out criminals who are becoming more innovative in their tactics.

Email Authentication:
If you send email messages that you think could be spoofed, you can inform recipients that if the SPF/DKIM checks fail, they can reject or quarantine the post. Rejection or DMARC quarantine is useful if you want your recipients to be 100% positive that an email from one of your receiving domains really came from you. This will ensure that your domains and brand are still trusted.

Many small businesses are unaware of how vulnerable they are to cybercriminals. Businesses of all types and size needs to protect their reputation and be aware of the attack surface area.

Feedback & Reporting:
There are two types of DMARC reports. Aggregate reports show you the email message header data as well as the recorded information, such as the message disposition, which indicates what the recipient did with the messages. The harassment reports that go through the email server. Feedback Loops are close to forensic reports. They are modified versions of email messages that failed SPF, DKIM, or both. These are useful for finding any snags that may occur during the DMARC implementation.

It is important to set things up with the aid of an expert if you want to defend your organization from cybercrime.

Ready to embark on your DMARC adventure with us? Get in touch with us at

Let's make your email domain an impenetrable fortress together!

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